Hi everyone! First assignment, first post… To help you know a little bit more about myself, I’m going to start by giving you ten randoms things about myself.

  1. Last summer, after having a hard time adapting myself to live in Gainesville, I decided to volunteer in Hanoi, Vietnam as a French and English teacher in primary schools. In addition, I had the opportunity to work in schools with children with disabilities where I taught English and played with the children. It was definitely the most rewarding life experience I will ever have in my life.
  2. In February 2016 I started working at The Independent Florida Alligator as a staff photographer. In Fall 2016 I finally had the opportunity to be the Photo Editor.
  3. When I was 13 I got a disease called Leishmaniasis –it’s actually common in dogs. I had two chemotherapies since there is still no other way to cure the disease.
  4. I have lived in four countries from three different continents –Africa, Europe, America. Indeed, I was born in France, moved to Venezuela when I was 5 years old and grew up most of my life there. When I was a senior in high school I moved to the Ivory Coast in West Africa. As amazing as traveling can be, I later moved to Gainesville to study, and I hope this will lead me soon to a permanent place –where I can keep my friendships close to me.
  5. I am fluent in English, French and Spanish. I often mix the languages, so if you can’t understand what I just said just ask me to repeat it, it often happens!
  6. I take a picture jumping in every country I visit with my boyfriend. Yes, I had to find a traveller boyfriend, there was no way someone else could handle my home-instability.


  7. Until I was 5 years old I thought I was a cow. I have no idea why, I just know my mom thought it was “cute” and convinced me it was true… It’s ironic to think now I would get offended if someone calls me a cow.


  8. I’ve been arrested once by the police when I was taking pictures at the protests in Venezuela in 2014 –censorship is real. It was at the same time than the protests in Ukraine, so the media didn’t talk much about the Venezuelan situation. However, I assure you there was really something happening. I kept a blog where I used to post everyday interviews and personal interpretations of the events in the country. That’s actually the reason why I study journalism now.
  9. I still sleep with my teddy bear and bring him everywhere I go. When I was 9 years old I broke my left arm and Santa Claus brung me the huge teddy bear so I could sleep in the car hugging him with no cast-problems –it really is hard to sleep on a side when you have a cast. I got used to it, and now it’s impossible to think about sleeping without him.
  10. I have -4.5 of Myopia and am really astigmatic but I always forget to use my glasses. If you see me giving you a bad look it’s probably because I’m mentally trying to focus your image!

    Retrieved from Giphy.com


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